Finding your voice - 5 tips to unlock your vocal potential
5 elements to help you reach your speaking potential
The way we speak can completely transform how our message is heard. It is often something though that people get stuck with. Almost like our voice has a mind of its own and the way our body responds in a presentation, likewise. How then do we manage to unlock our vocal potential? It isn’t about control, not as such. Yes we want to harness it’s power but the concept of controlling our voice can be counter-productive. Instead it is really about developing an an energised ease, finding a generosity of thought and allowing others to clearly hear your words - all of them!
Below are 5 elements that really help us to tap into the potential in the way we speak and how our audience connects;
Make you language active
Words can direct our listener’s thought. Using the right language can evoke imagery and begin to let our ideas live in someone else’s mid. I we choose words that enthuse it excites our listener, wanting to hear more. Using stories can draw your audience in. Ensure your language is active - they aren’t just words, they need to be there for a purpose, to do something. Also ensure your language is appropriate to your audience, this isn’t about you, it’s about them primarily. Be aware of the style of your audience, the tone of your event and remember, if you have an international audience overly colloquial language might confuse. Your language is the vehicle for your message, so use it to it’s full potential.
Crisp & clear
Tension is the enemy of clarity, it clouds our thoughts and muffles our words. It clamps our jaw, kills resonance and makes us tongue-tied. Get those articulators working - your tongue, teeth, lips. Relax those shoulders, unscrew your face, take your time and let your message ring out!
Get comfortable with being visible
Don’t stand up there and pretend, instead find the version of yourself that feels comfortable being seen. Very few people enjoy the concept of delivering a speech in the first instance. It makes sense, it’s a live event and things don’t always go to plan. There is often a fear of being judged. In a way though, we need to get beyond that. People are giving you their attention because they want to listen to you. We all have that part of ourselves that is our more outgoing public persona (even if yours is usually well hidden). There’s a reason speaking does something different to sending out a report - and that difference is you! It’s time to bring yourself out in a way that feels good.
Whatever it is,Calm focused energy
Frenetic, nervous energy is destabilising. It is what leads to nerves, dancing about on stage, getting short of breath, brain freeze. Instead we need to use our breath to find a calm, focused energy that will breathe life into your words. Whilst you are in an environment when you feel genuinely calm and relaxed, notice how you are breathing. Bring a picture or tune into your mind that fits with how you feel and allow yourself to enjoy it whilst you relax. Once you are rehearsing for your event or waiting to go into your meeting, bring back that picture or tune and see if you can re-connect with the low relaxed breath. From there we need to switch the energy on - stand tall, bright eyes, warmed up voice and positive thoughts.
Generosity connects us
Invite your audience in to explore the concepts you are sharing. Ask them to have a look around, ask questions in their mind. If instead we were to keep the message within us, deciding what to say next, constantly shifting our eye line it would make it really difficult for the audience to access what you are saying. It leaves a kind of ‘dead air’ which kills imagery and makes audiences lose attention. However moving the message from within ourselves to an accessible shared space between yourself and your listeners really works - it is often the secret to engaging your audience!
Want to #findyourvoice? Whatever level you are at, wherever you are in the world voice coaching can transform the way you connect with your listeners. Online voice coaching works incredibly well too. I’m here to help!